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The Idyllic Love

Everyone in today's world is searching for their partner who is supposedly meant to be there in their lives forever. Well, don't you think it is?

Somewhere, Sometimes we all are inclined to think that yes, maybe our soulmate is out there somewhere waiting for us. And why shouldn't we think as it pleases our mind?

This "Idyllic love" or the ideal love we are in the hunt for makes us crazy to an extent that either we go to depression or question the thought itself. 

Questions which we introspect on,
"Does true love really exist ?"
"Do fairy tale love exist?"
"Will I ever find my soulmate?"
"What if I never find one?"
"What if I remain single?"
"what if I never get married?"
"Am I living in an illusion?"
"look at that couple how madly in love they are and still going strong and look at me I couldn't find one for myself!"

Dude, Relax!

You'll find one! Soon enough...

By no means, you shall stay alone that I assure you of.

All you ought to do is began replacing these negative thoughts to positive ones.Yes, I firmly believe that you shall find your love, your soulmate.

 The "Love of your life" is standing in front of your gate but to open the gate you need to follow a little do's and dont's;

  • Firstly, you must need to know this; before loving someone else, you must first love yourself and by love yourself I don't mean to compel yourself to love yourself on the prospect of getting a soulmate. I emphasize solely to "Unconditionally love yourself". Begin already enjoying your own company.Live, laugh, love the moment, love your flaws, think good and positive. 
  • " You are beautiful" "You are lovely" "You are cute" "You are adorable" "You are elegant". Don't these words make you feel special ? Of course, it does. Stand in front of the mirror and call yourself beautiful, lovely, cute, adorable, elegant.
  • Imbibe the beauty, feel it around you, yourself.
  • Don't get carried away by people's opinion or views.It's your life, you have every right to live according to yourself.
  • You like that dress, buy it, new hairstyle in trend, try it, a new movie released go watch, meet new people, make new friends.Explore your life in every way, in every fashion.
  • Don't blindly follow your peers, in case if your friends or pals have boyfriends/girlfriends that don't mean you need to have one or fill up your empty lives.
  • Remember you are on a quest for the perfect one who is unsurpassed, unparalleled in the whole world, only meant for you.
  • Dont give into your emotions and settle for a partner who would turn out to be temporary ones.
  • You are searching for love and there would be many who in the name of love would only have lust. Know the difference between love and lust.
  • It takes real strength, determination and immense patience to be positive.Once the vibration of positivity begins, your life is set on the right track.

Once you are done with this, you'll observe how your life has changed in a tremendous way.


One day you would be delighted to open that door...

the door of pure love
where you meet your companion and you are also among those couples who people look up to as "The Idyllic love",
which only we have seen in movies and listened to stories.

I, YOU, WE all have that capability to change our lives.

To give and receive the love we deserve



  1. Such a beautiful peice of writing Arushi :)

    1. Thank you Deepti,I am really honored and grateful to you for appreciating my piece of work! :D


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