You look at a family photo and then think,"How happy are they!"
When you see a couple's photo,"Such an adorable couple!"Totally awe-struck by their love.
Someone's selfie,"Whoa,that is a really mind blowing selfie!"
But if you think about it,is life really picture perfect? In today's modern era when everything is so advanced and the world is upgrading at a rapid pace,do you think things work smoothly without any default?
Don't you ponder over the fact that sometimes even machines malfunction and need maintenance?
It is vital to comprehend the fact that nothing can be picture perfect at least not in reality.Every individual is born with their strengths and weaknesses,be it whatsoever.When you meet local people in streets,markets then you come to see the real world where imperfect,flawed and normal people walk around where there is no madness for perfection but people who are just busy thinking about their daily chores,finances,domestic or professional issues.They don't have even a fraction of second to look at the mirror and prep themselves up.Only during occasions do they get the opportunity for being different than the ordinary routine life.
Then their are people who have skin disorders,genetic disorders,psychological disorders etc and these people live their lives,don't they?
Have you thought what pitiful condition they must be going through?
Isn't life nothing but all about ups and downs? That it can never be neutral.
So why do we strive to make ourselves perfect knowing that we can always find alternative to things but never make it seamless.
I believe out of a mess we can craft a wonderful creation so its better to accept the reality as it is and not falsely show to the world that we are living an ideal life.Nobody lives an ideal life not even god.When gods couldn't live an ideal life sighting from the stories of mythology than why do we humans assume that we can?
Real life is never happy ending as a figment of imagination portrays.Real life is undeniable yet existent,Real life is pleasure with pain,Real life is some part of fiction and some non fiction,Real life is heaven and hell,Real life is elixir and poison,Real life consists of angels and demons,Real life has pure love also marked with filth,Real life depicts acts of kindness and gestures of hatred.
Real life is nothing but a blend of everything.
It is only in the dissolution of the ingredients in a lemon water that we enjoy the refreshed drink which also includes salt and sugar!
A mixture of everything,good and bad makes the journey more enticing to an adventurer.
And an incomplete picture brings about more satisfaction rather than the picture perfect display.
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