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May be

I saw him everyday in the college but never had the courage to tell him in his face, "I love you" .

I began to think his reaction if he ever came to know. Probably, I dont think he'll know because I kept my feelings to myself. My friend once ridiculed at me, saying that I was like a chameleon , changing my opinion and hiding my feelings at every situation. She was right, perhaps I was. It was my decision not to tell anyone about my personal interest in someone. And I dont think I was wrong in that.

He was a handsome hunk, some girls fell for his dashing looks, others for his mysterious eyes and few for his attractive tattoo on his bicep. No doubt he was a hottie and a spoil brat so it was obvious why girls went insane for him.

The surprising thing was that I didn't know his name, his stream, his status whether he was single or committed, in fact absolutely nothing about him. This was also one of the reasons why I was becoming crazy. And yes, I was definitely not attracted to him like other girls. I was not interested in his riches, his style or how he presented himself in public.

There was something uncommon, something strange, something peculiar yet unfathomable which I believe only I could see. 

None of the girls perceived him the way I did.

At night, my dreams were made up with fantasy, going on adventure with him or talking to each other secretly. 

I always questioned myself,  

"What did I see in him? Why was I madly in love with him? When did all this happen?"

But there were no answers to be found. Why,what,when were just words to me. And I wanted to complete the puzzle of his life which connected me to him. But how? I wondered.

It was valentine's day, as usual the college students had organized a party not at college but at a classmate's mansion.The news made me sad though as I was restricted to go outside after 8 p.m. 

That afternoon, I began to think as if I were Cinderella, a damsel in distress, out of nowhere wrapped up in a blanket of magic, my fairy godmother would appear and rescue me from my miserable situation. I knew that nothing of that sort was about to happen but fancying those kind of dreams uplifted my spirit.

The same day, my friend Vedika called in with an unexpected news.

"Hey Anu, I have got good news for you. Guess what!" She said

"Vedika, I am becoming impatient, no guesses please, tell me fast" I said

"Ok, fine! Listen, I have already taken permission from aunty and promised her that I would drop you back home at sharp 10 p.m" She said

"Aunty as in my mother?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Yes, stupid! Who else? " She said

"I don't believe it! What about my dad? He would never say yes!" I said

"Aree! My mother already spoke to your mother about it and also persuaded her to make your father agree to it, so , you see, problem solved! Now, listen, wear a nice dress, I'll pick you up at 7:30, ok ? see you then, bye" She said

"Thank you so much Vedu! bye" I said

My dream was turning into reality, Cinderella's friend was out for her rescue.

The Night fell..

Everybody at the party seemed enthusiastic and cheerful. Guys and girls talking to each other, making merry, having fun. All this didn't excite me, my eyes eagerly searched for him but his trace was not to be found. Then I heard from Vedika's friend, Rithvik that Aviral wouldn't come tonight.
 I didn't know his name was Aviral until I asked about his details and came to a conclusion.

Aviral, what an enchanting name! It struck the right chord in my heart.

My great desire for him led me to google his name's meaning. I dont know why but I wanted to know the meaning behind his name.

Aviral - One who never stops.

Suggested the google search engine. The meaning itself enraptured my mind and soul. 

I wished nothing but to make him mine forever. As soon as I locked my phone and glanced above,  there was nobody with me. How weird it was, at least they should have told me where they were going. I was all alone in the party and with every passing minute getting distressed.

Without any further delay, I wished to be alone by myself rather than being alone in that crowd. I asked for the directions of the terrace and climbed the narrow stairs. The gate opened and I saw a guy standing alone, looking up at the sky. My intuition guided me to walk towards him and I followed.

To my amazement as the guy turned around, it was none other than Aviral. What an unforeseen sight! I was awestruck at that moment. There were no words to fill in the silence between us.

He lunged forward, my heart skipped a beat. Took my hand gently and said, "Hi, I am Aviral" 

"H..hii! I am Ananya" 


"Are you not enjoying the party?" He asked softly

"Well, my friends disappeared so.." I paused

" I get it" He mumbled

He pulled back his hand and secured back into his jeans pocket.

 Turned away and continued gazing at the sky.

My heart beats pumped fast, it cried out and yelled to my throat, to confess him about my love.

I stood beside him and asked,"What are you looking at? " 

"The North Star" He said
"Oh, so you love that star" I said, sounding silly
"No, it reminds me of my mother" He murmured

Silence fell between us again, this time an awkward one..

After a while, He asked

"Hey, if I ask you to marry me, would you say yes?" 

The question itself filled me with astonishment, I lost words to say. Was he joking ? What was his intention? His sudden act of if-suppose proposal gave me the chills.

"May be" I whispered.

He looked into my eyes, his eyes were dazzling bright as if revealing a decoded mystery behind his enigmatic persona.

Of one thing I was sure, there was no escape route out of this tunnel of love I had dwelled into.

( To be continued... )


  1. Another beautiful story ,filled with suspense and love...
    Looking forward to read the story :)

    1. Thank you so much deepti! :D

      I have already posted the next blog of this, hope you like it too. :D


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