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One Door Closes,Three Open

"Sorry, you are not selected " The interviewer said.

I looked at him with a dejected face. He pretended to be helpless as only five candidates were suppose to be selected. Regardless, without any reply I left the room at a swift pace.

One of the candidates was my good friend and she was selected for the interview. Her ebullient face brightened up as she saw me, being unaware of the fact that I was rejected. She came up to me and initiated the talk.

"Riya, are you selected?" She asked

"No" I bluntly replied

"Oh,I feel sorry for you" She said

"In any case, dont worry, you'll have better opportunities" She suggested

"But Pranjali this was the only interview I had been excited about and now all my hopes have dashed!" I said

"I don't think so, I mean , I am not giving you any false hopes but as a friend I feel that soon you are going to find something which you deserve" She said

"Huh! You are saying this because you got the job and now you are secured! You wouldn't have to struggle everyday like I would have to" I mocked at her, leaving her astonished with my sharp reply.

Two months passed away like a rapid blowing breeze and I did nothing but to flip over the pages of the calendar. My mom witnessed the painful phase I had been going through. She encouraged me not to give up so easily. Sleepless nights, morning irritation were the persistent symptoms of my unavoidable thoughts .We were experiencing financial problems. My mother insisted me to do a job at a call center but I was reluctant to do that sort of job. I made her understand that my qualifications were far better to take up that job. Nonetheless, she consistently nagged me to do any job which made us earn some money else we lose our flat.

Day by Day, tension began to build up and things at home were disappearing at a fast pace.

My mother once remarked,"If you didn't get a job then I'll find one or we will end up begging at the streets"

Her taunt horrified me. I  didn't want to imagine the wrath of being poverty stricken. Another month came and showed no sign of hope. Again and again rejected by the companies. With all this turmoil occurring, I began to question myself.

The same questions people ask when they feel hopeless," Am I worthless? Do I lack potential to find a deserving job? All my education nothing but in vain?"

One after another questions popped up only to trouble my mind. Soon I started to feel that at this imbalanced state I would die one day with no dignity or pride but being mentioned as a pitiful soul.

I got scared with all these thoughts and after much patience and waiting for an opportunity to arrive, I decided to find a simple job which would fill our stomach.

After a week, I got a job as a waitress in a cafe. The money was sufficient to bring groceries and fulfill other necessities. My mother was really happy but somewhere I was unsatisfied with all this. 

I recalled my dad saying that education and knowledge never goes wasted. It's the magic of the right timing that's required to be successful in our lives. I wondered where the right timing lost its track whether it appeared or forgotten to knock at my gate.

Out of the blue, one morning I received a phone call from a company which requested me to come for an interview. I summoned up that few months back I had applied for that company but never got a call. This was really shocking to me. That day itself, I appeared for my interview and after hours of group discussions and personal interview was I selected.

My mother was heartfelt when I informed her about my selection. The next day, I received two calls from other companies asking me to appear for an interview.

My happiness knew no bounds.

All this was happening simultaneously at a rapid pace and now I got a job where I would earn enough.

I remembered again what my dad quoted,

" If one door gets closed, three doors will open"

"But daddy, how will I find the other three doors ?" I asked

"At the right time" He said 


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