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May be not if ..

"May be" I whispered

"May be not" 

"Hmm...I would like to know why may be and why may be not"

"Am I not handsome? Or you have a boyfriend?" He giggled

"It's not like that, it's just that I am not interested" I lied

"What? You mean I am not interesting?" He asked 

"No! No! Don't get me wrong!"  I said

"Then?" He asked again

"You know, guys like you are not interested in average girls. Somehow, you seem interested in those wannabe pomp and show type girls" I said

"According to my observation, I have seen beautiful girls settling for nerd, geek type life partners. So what should I say about them?" He asked, staring at me, asking for a good explanation.

"Well, you must have, I dont disagree with you. But tell me if a simple girl asks you out, would you say yes?" I asked

He didn't reply. 

His silence was disappointing to me. I was clearly right. All my hopes and dreams were shattered at once. Now I didn't want to stand with him, even for a minute.

Without bidding adieu, I slowly walked a little until...

"Wait. Where are you going? " He asked, appearing perplexed.

"You didn't give an answer and that is why I said may be not" I mumbled

He came forward, grabbed my hand, pulled me closer and said,

"You wanna know why I dated gorgeous, beautiful girls? I'll tell you why, I dated them not for social status, money or for any selfish motive.  

I went out with them because I need a partner, a life partner who listens to me, feels my heart

Her heart tunes with my rhythm. When I call her, I share with her my daily routine, what happened, what didn't. 

And its not that simple girls are unattractive but they are hard to catch, just like you."

"Why?" I asked, feeling baffled.

"Because you are innocent, sensitive like a mimosa plant, I'll touch you and you would just droop and close yourself until you feel you are unharmed."

"So that means I'll never find guys like you?" I asked in pain

"Not exactly, you deserve someone who looks into your eyes and says, 

'you are the woman of my life' He said

'But I want to be your woman!!!'  My mind said, withholding my tongue from speaking the truth.

"You are right" I said

"Don't be sad, I am just cautioning you to stay away from guys like me who can hurt you" He said

"In that case, I thank you for having concern for me" I said

"Your welcome" He smirked


"Hmm.." I said

"I think we can be great friends" He said smiling

"I don't think so" I said, rejecting his thought.

"Why?" He asked

"We dont know each other at all" I said

"Then let's know each other" He said

He smiled at me with a mischievous grin, I nodded to his hand of friendship though my heart frowned with this gesture. It quarreled with my mind. But my mind complained it knows best. It opined that being friends could begin the next stage where a little spark would have faded within months.

After all, I was in search of love and he in search of a soulmate.


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