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Do you remember teeter-totter or see saw in playground where kids play?

Of course you do! 😁

It is basically a board which is balanced in the center where a person sits on each end and as one lands on the ground,the other flies high in the sky and when its the turn of the latter the former delights bouncing into the sky. But you must be wondering why am i describing you this mechanism in detail? Right? 

Well,all i wanted to briefly explain is that the cycle of life also works the same way. At one point we are so much elated by the good things that happen to us and at other times are desolated miserably.We cant be immensely happy and sad in the same time! That's ridiculous! Nobody can or else they would be labelled as a lunatic!

When negative thoughts trap our mind, during that course of time no positive thoughts replace our thinking until we consciously make an effort to substitute with it.Similarly,the See Saw also functions that way. All we have to do is balance our life smoothly so that too many extremes doesn't injure us in any way.

Time and again,it is proved that if an individual doesn't control himself then either pessimism will lead to melancholy and depression or too much excitement will lead to mania or bipolar disorder.

So isn't it favorable for us to balance our life cautiously?

Perhaps now you would be thinking that if we would consider balancing our lives then it would create havoc! Yes,it would but whose asking you to balance your life all the time? I cant balance my own life at all times! Nobody can! 

Alas! Life can never be neutral but all i am simply trying to make sense is that when life is in shackles,you can only save yourself mentally and find solutions to the problem and on the contrary when life seems full of magnificence,you don't go overboard but at times remain calm and composed.

Balancing doesn't mean that you are controlling your response altogether but maneuvering in such ways that it doesn't provide you any harm.

For Example; when two kids play see saw they are consciously reminded by their parents to enjoy playing but not hurt each other.In the same manner do we need to follow the method plainly.


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