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One Last Message

Sumedha knew that now it was impossible to keep feelings to herself and she decided to leave one last message.

A full moon had risen above the clouds.It was dark outside and at this time during winters fog had covered the surroundings like a blanket.Only hazy street lights could hardly pass through the mist and give way little light to the people walking on the pedestal.

She was walking slowly,moving each step one by one just like a baby learns to walk.Her thoughts were floating in the air as if talking to her,asking her questions for which she had no answer.And the most troubling questions which only a heartbroken soul asks in vain.The questions for which everyone asks but nobody has any accurate solution.

"Why did you do this to me? Why did I let you re-enter in my life every time I thought things would work out? Why did I let you hurt me more than I could handle the pain? What was wrong with me? What did I lack? Why did things went awry? Was I not beautiful or did you fall out of love with me? "She thought to herself.

And all she received in return was silence. 

He had decided to leave her once and for all, saying,"It's over"

Recalling those words, she laughed at herself.

"How strange this world is, it takes few days to fall in love, weeks and months to strengthen that bond and then two words to end everything in a blow."

"Had I known this before I wouldn't have fallen in love with him but you don't fall in love looking at someone's face or body! You fall in love as if struck by a cupid's arrow and if that arrow turns out to be an error,it pierces your heart at such intensity that it's hard to tell whether you have been murdered or killed."

Phone began to ring and it was her brother's call, asking about her welfare. Albeit she wasn't good at acting but it was worth giving a try to pretend everything was fine. After she hung up talking, a thought occurred to her mind to write one last message to him before she exits his life forever.

"Thank you for coming into my life and changing my perspective,showing me that real picture is far different then the one we think we are living in.

Thank you for all those memories and moments which I will cherish.You came like a thirsty, worn out man searching for water and swooped like a tornado snatching away my soul forcefully.

What wrong did I do to you that I was given such a misery? Anyway,this question is of no use anymore.Because you have changed.As you were searching not for water but for gold and it never occurred to you that you can never change people.It was funny that you tried to change me but in the process you changed yourself.

Just look at yourself in the mirror and compare who you were before and who you are now.Change does not mean that you turn yourself into poison, change happens gradually.

Before I was everything to you and now we are complete strangers. I have lost you and that too the old you, long before you could realize that you have changed.

My sincere wishes to you.
May God bless you and you get all the happiness you deserve
May you get the love you are still in search for


An hour passed and when she opened Whats app, she was blocked from his life.

Tears shredded pouring out blood from her heart,the pain inevitable and no antidote could ever save her from the poison she was intoxicated by.

A relief came after a brief shock.She looked upon the sky and the stars twinkled.

"I think I deserve someone much better"
She convinced to herself.


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