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Another Chance

One day Aparna is presented with a situation whether she can either run back to her past and embrace it or stick to the present and live in the moment.A choice where she has to select one out of two people.An exciting dilemma and a suspense in her life.

"You know what Shweta there's this guy in my building and i think i have crush on him"Aparna said

"So,is he cute and good looking?"Shweta inquired

"Ahaan,one hundred percent!"Aparna ridiculed

"Does he like you too?"Shweta asked

"I think so,i mean the way he looks at me makes me feel butterflies in my stomach" Aparna blushed

"In that case,you must give a shot!" Shweta suggested

"I don't know ya"Aparna mumbled

"Why,what happened?" Shweta asked

"It's just that,i don't know whether i should or not"Aparna said

"Oh,i get it now,you still love him,don't you?"Shweta asked

"hmm"Aparna mumbled

"Hey,i have to go to college,i'll see you over there"

"Ya,sure"Shweta agreed

It had been two weeks since Aparna broke up with Karthik.Even though they pretended to be cool with each other but at the bottom of her heart she still had feelings for him.The worst part was that she had to face him everyday in the college.They shared the same classroom,same friends,same environment,altogether everything.

That is why it had become really depressing for her to deal with him everyday.

 One month passed away and now they had become cool with each other.

Aparna decided to meet Rahul wherein he asked her out for a date but that very day itself too Karthik called her and talked to her for about an hour on phone.By the time she could realize,she was already running late.

In a haphazard fashion,she dressed herself and looked at herself in the mirror.Suddenly,something stopped her.She looked at herself more closely now.

"What am i doing?"

"How can i be so dumb?I talked to him for 59 minutes 10 seconds!Do you know Aparna what does that mean?

And all the time he was saying to me how cute i am,that he always loved me the way i am,there is nothing imperfect about me and that i was the same sweet girl without any flaws.

Had i known before that he still feels for me i would have never said yes to Rahul.But does he really like me? Does he still have any tiny feelings for me? Does he still have a soft corner for me? Should i call him and ask him straightaway? No,no!That's definitely a bad idea!

So what am i to do now?" She thought to herself.

The phone began to ring and Rahul's face appeared on the screen icon.A jovial smile that could enchant anyone's heart and his dimples flashing vividly to attract attention from near and far ones.She held the phone in her hand and as she was about to pick up,she could see her fingers shaking.

A sudden flood of mixed emotions rushed through her heart.There was nothing she could do but solve the problem.

One message from Whats app appeared on the screen. It was Karthik's, saying "I still love you" 

She was shocked at this unexpected message from his side.It was totally surprising.Her assumption was right.

But now she was in a bewildered state where either she could go back to her love or just move on with her present life.

Another chance by her lover.

Which she had always desired that they get back together but this opportunity also presented another chance by her present interest which could also change her life.

Aparna had a choice to make.


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