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An unrequited love story

This is a sorrowful love story of two individuals where one of them loved unconditionally but unfortunately the love wasn't reciprocated back.

Meera joined a musical band of four boys where she was the pianist and others were guitarists,drummer and a singer.Initially,her first performances went bad and she wasn't encouraged enough by her group members.

Until,one of them,began supporting and helping her out, come out of the anxiety to play in front of many people.

He was none other than Aashish.

Aashish guided and tutored her in every way so that she was able to feel better while performing.Instead she began to fall in love with him.

And the sooner she realized, the more nervous she felt around him.The group members came to know about her feelings for him but never spoke a word.

One day after the show got over,Meera confessed her feelings to him.

"Uhh,Aashish,i,uh,wanted to say something.."

"Ya,what is it? Seems pretty important stuff from the look of your face"Aashish chuckled.

"The thing is.."

"I like you" Meera said

"Oh,oh!" Aashish reacted

"What?" Meera asked

"Meera,you are really nice,ok? But you know i am sorry,i can't accept it." Aashish said

"It's ok,no problem at all"Meera assured

"NO!No!It's not ok! You don't get it"

"Uhh,what i mean is,i like you too but i don't want to be in a relationship.It's not your fault,infact you are perfect but it's just that i am going through a really rough break up.Frankly speaking,I was in a long distance relationship for about a year and she broke it off.And now i am devastated. So,the issue is,even though i am interested but i don't want to mess up anyone else feelings right now"Aashish admitted.

"I totally feel empathy for you as i have passed through the same phase a few months ago.So,don't worry,everything will be fine with time."Meera said

"So,we are cool,right?Aashish asked

"Yes,of course we are" Meera assured

But she knew that things wouldn't be that normal as it would seem.All now she could do is conceal her emotions in front of everybody and pretend that everything was alright.

Days passed by and the more she suppressed her feelings,the more it embittered her painfully.Nonetheless,she had to endure.

People talked about them,professing that they would be a perfect couple.Infact,the bond between them blossomed with great delight and joy. Meera and Aashish unknowingly began doing all those things which a couple does.

Talking late at nights,hanging out at cafe's,watching Movies and what not.And even though Aashish knew that he was doing all those things which he wasn't supposed to do yet he was still not ready to give her a chance.

And one day,in the middle of nowhere he disappeared from Meera's life,without informing her of his whereabouts.

One of the group members disclosed to her that he left the city as he got a better job in New Zealand.

He never came back nor any news of his arrival.

What hurt her the most was that all this time he was being goofy and took her feelings casually.

She never got to know about his innermost emotions whether he actually liked her and what was holding him back to initiate a try.

Overthinking made her analyze that it must be something related to his previous relationship which in turn wrecked his soul.

Whatever the reason may be but now Meera had to go through the suffering which was difficult to overcome.

The good girl had gone bad.



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