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I know it's you

Here's my empathy to all the one-sided lovers out there who have been hurt tremendously again and again due to the unrequited love by their best friend, friend or just another desirable soul.

You must be thinking why am I having feelings of deep empathy for you right? 

Well dear, You may not know but I have been there, gone through all of that chaos and turmoil which you may be suffering at present. The peculiar feeling when you know that the person whom you have met or bumped into is the one who's meant for you but unlikely due to circumstances or fate the other one is not able to recognize that you are the one who will hold their hand and stay together forever.

He saw her from a far distance waiting for her friends in the mall. Every time he saw her, his heart said," I know it's you" but wondered in reality if they would ever be together. He was afraid of the rejection he would likely have to face if he proposes her and that's why he never had the courage to say. Yet his heart reminded to her," I know it's you"

She had been great friends with her bestie Raghav and everyone would often remind them how good they would look together. She was aware of the fact. Her heart often said those words whenever he was looking into her eyes while talking," I know it's you". But she was afraid of the friendship that would get ruined because of love. Yet her heart reminded to her," I know it's you".

Both of the Protagonists were knowingly facing a strenuous situation in their life where all they kept thinking was "What if He/She rejected me?" 

As a matter of fact, Neither you nor me can control the unpredictability of our lives. So the best option would be to at least try rather than regretting of never giving it a chance at all. 

Someone is waiting for you dearly

If he/she will accept your proposal then you are going to have the best time of your life. However, if it's a 'No', face it and accept the bitter truth. I know it's hard to deal with it, probably it's going to take months to get over it. 

But eventually time has its way to give you more opportunities, more love and something better and deserving than you could ever imagine. In both the cases, have faith in yourself my friend because life is all about how you make it better. 

As they say, every single soul could have two soulmates, you never know when your someone special knocks your door and steal your heart away.


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