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The pitfalls of an introvert smitten in love

The withdrawn person's dilemma

You saw someone staring at you from afar but looking away, pretending to be busy in their own work when you are near? This mysterious person is somewhat giving mixed signals out and you are literally bad at guessing what's going on in their mind,isn't it?

Well,then my friend you have come at the right place!To be frank,i am no love expert or a dating/relationship counselor and yes i too am in that "gaining experience through trials and tribulations" phase.But i have had a fair share of good and bad experiences,gladly enough to have rejections and heartbreaks in my life.For your knowledge,i too am an introvert,so,of course who else can better explain the dilemma faced by them?

Initially,It's no easy task figuring out what's going on in an introvert's mind as it looks like trying to solve the jigsaw puzzle.That person,be it a boy or girl,is shy by nature and even though they are madly in love with you,they are not going to the be first one to take a step ahead or initiate a conversation.These pity souls keep guessing whether their secret admirer likes them or not and live in an imaginary fictitious life.

Don't expect them to chase you all the time;most of the time they neglect and suppress these feelings and other times they pretend to be the one"i don't care"attitude even if the genuine feelings are present.

The least possibility, they will do is text you to avoid that awkward personal rejection and confess their feelings.If you are loved by an introvert,believe it or not, you are the most luckiest person in this whole world.

Moreover,the chances are slim to none of cheating or flirting others from his/her side.Besides,the only person that matters to them the most is you and they would fight hard to keep you in their lives,for long term commitment.

So,if by any luck,you get to discover those one sided lover,silent stares and the uneasiness of their composure when you are around them,don't just assume,go for it and straightaway ask.Although you would be denied first, but gradually will come to know the real side of them.

If it's a yes,well,you have received a jackpot and if it's a no,don't worry,come to terms with the rejection peacefully and move on.

But one thing is for sure the introvert would love, you just caught their attention!


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