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Post Break Up

"It's Over" 

These two words could create a havoc in two people's lives.Two words said and all hell breaks loose.Nothing ever is going to change after that.

However,now the daily routine is going to take a shift.It would require a different schedule perhaps.Because you know if you don't take control of yourself you'll either try to forcefully patch up with your ex or enter into a rebound relation.

Texting each other good morning or waking up whole night to talk is no more happening.So,eventually you come into senses you need someone who listens to your grief and pays attention to your broken heart.

When you were in a relationship,you were identifying yourself with your partner but now as both of you decided to part ways,you know quite well that it's going to be hard.

The irony is,when we enter into a relationship,often we ignore our friends and only give importance to our partner so when the relationship ends why do we expect that our friends would be there for us?Weren't we ignoring them at the first place?

Another truth is,the harsh reality;People don't like to listen to unpleasant things even if it's a break up.So it would be anyway annoying to many as you narrate your sad heart wrenching agony! Either they would feel sympathy for you or began giving numerous advice to how to enjoy life as you are single now.

But does one really look for excitement right after break up?

I don't think so.

We all need at least one close friend or a close sibling to whom we can share our feelings. And when a thing like break up falls upon us,we would definitely want to pour out our thoughts;sad or miserable it may be.

Partying or Drinking all night is not a solution.It's a temporary yet harmful relief to one's body. Unfortunately, that's what all do right after the relationship ends.

The best and beneficial way to deal with a break up is to write.Write,write and write until your heart bleeds out.When you are done writing you would be able to feel the burden off your chest.

Also,you could talk to your friends but only those who are extremely close to you and not spread the word to the whole group circle or community.

Hit the gym,change your hairstyle,go shopping,watch a movie or play a sport.Their are so many ways in which you can entertain yourself and distract from your past trauma.

After Break up we all stay in an illusion. Illusion where we think that it's just an interval in our lives and then we will be right on track as a couple.No sweetheart!Things never happen the way we expect!Especially after break up!

Block the person,stop stalking in their personal lives including social media.Cut off all contacts from his/her friends or else you would always have the impulse to know about them.

Accept the fact that he/she is not a part of your life anymore.

"Move On" are again two words!

And it will be an endless struggle in the beginning.Some people take weeks,months and also a year.Take your own slow time and let the healing work efficiently. Don't compare your healing process with others.You can never see anyone's internal wounds only external cuts and bruises are visible!

Keep yourself busy all day and night!I repeat! "Keep yourself busy!" The more you engage yourself,the better you will be.

Even if someone asks you about your break up,talk about it a little and end the conversation. Don't go on and enter into a discussion lest you would get irked by it.

Though it's hard to admit but your relationship was a part of your life and now it's doomed. And even though you may have tried through many attempts to save it but alas! It didn't last long!

So what if it didn't work? Don't blame yourself,your ex or any third person for the unpredictable thing which has occurred. And don't even convince yourself that it wasn't meant to happen or anything.Once you start questioning things,the chain of thoughts generate until you put it at a halt.

Well,now,all things are in past,right? And the more you start digging into your past,the more deeper ditch you would end up creating for yourself. Learn from your lessons,leave behind the memories and focus on your present.Your time is valuable so don't waste on petty thoughts.

Lastly,this is the time to begin loving yourself.Gather and collect the broken pieces of your heart,weave out and stitch it again and let it function normally.You would be amazed how it works better after all the damage done!



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