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Dancing In The Rain

It was raining for quite a long time and she regretted not bringing her umbrella today. Everyday she would bring her umbrella but it would never rain not even for once. But just today it slipped from her mind and the dark clouds rumbling with loud noises took great advantage of it. It rained and rained and flooded the streets. Now, she tried all ways to find someone lend their umbrella. Some would say, "sorry I just got one", "sorry, I can't give", "Ask him/her if they have a spare one". And so one by one people declined sharing their umbrella. She would think how insensitive of them. But that's how people behave in their defense; strange and selfish.

As the heavy grey clouds hovered above slowly in the sky and darkened the atmosphere making it gloomy, she would feel dejected by everyone's denial to help her. Without any ado, she stood up from her desk, took her purse and walked out of the office. She couldn't helplessly keep asking them only to get downhearted again and again. With her firm mind and determination she walked bravely in the rain as if ready for a combat. The drops of rain showered on her wildly blurring her vision but she wouldn't give up. She began to pace fast and soon found herself under the shelter of a bus stop. 

The bus arrived in no time and she made way for herself, trying to step onto the bus and then pushing people aside to get herself the seat. To her relief, she found an empty window seat, grabbed the seat and sat while breathing heavily. She looked outside, it was still raining however it didn't bother her now. This incident only reminded her of her childhood when she was a kid, dancing in the rain, careless about what others would think, her dress getting all wet and muddy as she jumped and danced and delighted with joy. Nothing had annoyed her not even the thought that she would eventually catch cold and lie down in bed with a high fever. These golden memories replayed right in front of her eyes as if it were real, as if it was happening just now. She was a little girl again with two ponies swaying left and right.Giggling, laughing and dancing with her friends.Making paper boats and their relentless efforts to make it sail in the unsteady rain. A sudden loud honk and the jerk of the bus got her mind back to her present making her realize that her destination had arrived.

"It wasn't that bad though" she thought to herself.


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