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Why She's Not Giving You Attention

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Don't Give Up Now

I know you want to leave this earth as soon as possible, just because you have failed miserably in fulfilling your dream. I know you imagine yourself not waking up anymore. Before you sleep you imagine how you will never wake up again. I know you create fantasies where there are none. You want to believe that at least there's someone in this world who cares for you even when you know there's no one. I know you want to believe in the fact that you are not alone but your mind doesn't lead you astray. It takes you to the time where you feel unwanted all the time. I know you want to live in a world where there's no suffering, no pain, no struggle, no depression, no anxiety, in fact nothing at all but you know that kind of world doesn't exist in reality.  Reality is unbearable as hard as it may be to accept.  I know you want to wake up every morning thinking that finally today is the day you will be famous, wanted, loved, admired and adored. You truly wait fo...

Never Bend Down

To those who think life is over now, just because they lost one opportunity, I am here to say, don't bend down now, there are many more opportunities that will show up. It's not the end. To those who feel that they have got nothing to live up to, I am here to say that why don't you look ahead and watch out for the things that wait for you, I bet there is sunshine ahead just behind the dark shadow of clouds. Behind the darkness is a little glimmer of hope that is waiting for you. To those who think that they waited for this one golden opportunity for so long and lost it now, I am here to say, may be that thing wasn't meant for you. No doubt, so much time has been wasted but may be you shouldn't overlook the fact that you have learnt something out of this tragedy. Something better, is waiting for you in few baby steps, don't bend down now. To those who think that life is unfair to you and much privileged to others. May be, right now you are living in ...

The Unknown Road

Sometimes you may not understand why your life is working in a wrong direction or may be to you it seems to be in a wrong direction. You have unfortunately decided to walk on a path which has been left barren by many. It's not the road you were supposed to tread on. It wasn't the road that people were suggesting to walk upon. Many told you to leave this path, for they were skeptical if it ever will bring fame or luck or glory. For the road you have decided to walk upon so willingly is based on these factors. You may want to rely on these factors for a long time lest no one will know who you are or where you are walking to. Yes, this is the road, you have decided to walk on. The road people are afraid to choose, worse they remain dubious their whole lives if ever fortune shall land in their lives. And yet, knowing the repercussions or  the impossibility of it, few dare to walk on this road. This road which no one has taken before. A road you too are afraid to choose. It c...

'What Do You See?' - A story

I was walking alone in my dream with a heavy knapsack on my back. The road was barren as if no one had been to this place for a long time. Out of nowhere, in the middle of the empty, deserted road, a monk joins me. He smiles at me as he walks along with me. I have no idea from where he comes from. Perhaps, I was so much exhausted and dehydrated due to the scorching heat of the summer that I did not see him coming. In the middle of my occupied thoughts, he breaks my silence and asks, "What do you see?"  I look at him wide eyed. What does he mean by this ridiculous question? Ever since he had joined me, he had been acting weird. Again, he presses the question with a gentle smile, "What do you see in front of you?"  "I see nothing" I said, in annoyance. "Look again my child, what do you see ahead?" The monk says again with an unbending smile. This time, I take notice of his question and look ahead. There, I study the nature in brief silence a...

Why are you here?

Everyday when you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing that pops in your mind? Is it why am I here? What am I doing? Why was I born? Why the hell do I wake up every morning and feel nothing?  Is it so because you don't know what's your life purpose? Well, probably it could be. When you don't know why you are here in the first place, there is going to be uncertainties in your life. Not one but many. And, to your dismay, things might turn out worse as you don't have any vision for your life.  It's important to understand that one needs to have a dream, a goal or a vision of how they want their life to be.  This all starts from your interest. Have you often thought where your interest lies? Do you feel the need to cure people and relieve them from diseases? A Doctor? Do you have the urge to help and look after others? Be a Philanthropist? Do you get in a trance every time you are surrounded by music and melodies? A Musician?  What is your p...

How Negative energy affects your life

You may have noticed that negative people and negative events always hamper your life. And, well, not just life it proves to be like a rust that is not ready to leave you at any cost. Rust brings nothing but staleness in our lives.  When you live around negative people all the time, you know how it juxtaposes your energy field from positive to negative and vice versa. You are being affected by the environment hugely and these constant fluctuations does nothing but creates havoc and chaos into our lives. You are now severely affected by the collision of two energies; positive and negative. There is no balance that can be created as the outer energy is overpowering your state of mind and life, eventually controlling your day. Not a day goes by when you try to create a smooth balance between your inner soul and your existing environment, that more negative things get attracted to you. It starts with one negative thing, such as an argument, a fight over a small issue, a misunde...