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Why are you here?

Everyday when you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing that pops in your mind? Is it why am I here? What am I doing? Why was I born? Why the hell do I wake up every morning and feel nothing? 

Is it so because you don't know what's your life purpose? Well, probably it could be.

When you don't know why you are here in the first place, there is going to be uncertainties in your life. Not one but many. And, to your dismay, things might turn out worse as you don't have any vision for your life. 

It's important to understand that one needs to have a dream, a goal or a vision of how they want their life to be. 

This all starts from your interest. Have you often thought where your interest lies? Do you feel the need to cure people and relieve them from diseases? A Doctor? Do you have the urge to help and look after others? Be a Philanthropist? Do you get in a trance every time you are surrounded by music and melodies? A Musician? 

What is your passion? Find it out. Your passion is the goal that will take you to your destination. Stop thinking and act upon it. Find out your passion from today itself and think of no one but yourself. 

You need to know that your dream is waiting for you, everyday. It wants you to get it and grasp it firmly in your hands. But for that, you'll need to hold a vision of your life. 

This is who I want to become. This is how I would like to see myself in near future. This is the place where I want to be. This is how I want to spend the rest of my life. 

Once you hold a vision of your life, the next step is to dedicate and discipline towards your goal. Your goal requires constant attention of yours. None of the success comes to a person who works one day and lies around lazily on other days.

If you want to feel excited and enthralled everyday about your life, know it that this feeling comes when you have a purpose. A life without a purpose is like an empty canvas that is waiting to be drenched by mixture of vibrant colours. However, yet again, it is you, the painter who is responsible to paint your canvas in a remarkably beautiful way that leaves the world awed.

Now that you know that you need a purpose in your life and that you will work on it, it's time to start working on it and create beautiful canvases everyday to decorate the walls of your home. 


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