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A twisted love story

'Let me go!!!' She begged, as she saw how her luggage's were being thrown back to her room. They wouldn't let her leave so easily. They puffed up their chests, 'You were supposed to study until we get you a suitable groom, It's time, we find one'. She cried, begged, bowed her head, pleaded to let her go to her dream college. But they wouldn't budge.

This is the story of Meghana, a young girl who has completed her graduation with good marks but can't pursue her dream college as her father and their brothers are reluctant to send her. They have planned her life and would work accordingly. 

Meghana sat in her room in silence. She would neither eat nor sleep. She denied her mother's affection. If her father wasn't ready to let her pursue her dream, she wouldn't budge either. Days passed and it appeared, she had begun to age rapidly. The dark circles under her eyes was an indication that she hadn't had any food. Her father finally found her a suitable groom or so he would think. She walked into the room to see him, alone. They were left alone to talk. 

Raghav would try every way to make her talk but she wouldn't move her lip.He asked her questions to which he received concrete silence in return.Feeling agitated, he finally asked, 'Are you being forced to get married?' This time she looked at him, shocked, as if he had read her mind.

'I wanted to go to my dream college to pursue my masters but my father wouldn't let me go. It appears he doesn't want me to study further'. She spoke with firmness. He was glad his persistence didn't wane. He liked the authority in her voice, her head held high even though she was feeling defeated.Raghav listened to her and smiled a little.

'Why are you smiling?' She fumed.

'Well, I don't think that's a big deal' He calmly said

'What are you saying? It may not be to you but to me it is!' Meghana protested.

'I assume if you reject me, your father would anyway find someone else for you but won't let you study, right?' Raghav asked, suggesting in an intelligent manner.

Meghana felt a lump in her throat. She didn't want to admit it but Raghav had said the truth. She shook her head. 

'So why don't you tell your father that you like me and you'll have the chance to fulfill your dream?' Raghav suggested, his lips breaking into a fine smile.

'I didn't get you!' Meghana said, unable to understand in the midst of her conflicted mind. 

'What I am trying to say is..'

'I like how determined you are, the way you are ready to fight your parents so that you can fulfill your dream. I have never met a woman as courageous like you and I would like to encourage her as her partner to follow her goal instead of seeing you become someone else's, handicapped by your fate'

Raghav's words touched her heart. In her entire life, she was only busy finding herself and being dedicated to her dream, she hadn't thought, she would meet someone who was ready to motivate her in her goals.

'You wouldn't mind if I don't cook?' Meghana asked. Raghav was shocked as she had asked something off topic. 

'That shouldn't be your concern.' He waved his hand.

'But why?' Meghana asked, being perplexed. 

'For your information dear, I am a chef' He chuckled, letting her know about his profession. 

In all this confusion, she had forgotten to ask anything about him. They both laughed together. The roars of laughter, invited both of the families in the room. Her father, smiling, was about to ask the usual question. Raghav winked at her, and before her father could ask, she abruptly said, 'Yes, I like him'.



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