When you'll stop thinking about how people will react or what people will think, that's the time, you will truly begin living your life. When you will not care whether they are going to talk behind your back or spread rumors and even if they do, none of it matters to you because you have started giving importance to yourself, peace of mind will automatically come to you. When you really don't care about others harsh opinions and only your work and life is your main priority, your life will fall into place. When even if someone says to you in your face that you are undeserving or unworthy of this thing, you know they are saying only to make you feel small but it affects you the least. The day people's opinions don't matter to you at all, that's the day you will truly start living your life. Your main goal of your life will be your career and no one would come in your way, knowing that they cannot disrupt your peaceful life without you being affected int...
The present dilemma of friendship,relationship and emotions attached.