Sometimes you may not understand why your life is working in a wrong direction or may be to you it seems to be in a wrong direction. You have unfortunately decided to walk on a path which has been left barren by many. It's not the road you were supposed to tread on. It wasn't the road that people were suggesting to walk upon. Many told you to leave this path, for they were skeptical if it ever will bring fame or luck or glory. For the road you have decided to walk upon so willingly is based on these factors. You may want to rely on these factors for a long time lest no one will know who you are or where you are walking to. Yes, this is the road, you have decided to walk on. The road people are afraid to choose, worse they remain dubious their whole lives if ever fortune shall land in their lives. And yet, knowing the repercussions or the impossibility of it, few dare to walk on this road. This road which no one has taken before. A road you too are afraid to choose. It c...
The present dilemma of friendship,relationship and emotions attached.